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Aeroponics Kits

Aeroponic systems by Hydrocentre Hydroponics

Aeroponics is an environmentally friendly way to grow plants both on an industrial scale and in a small scale home aeroponics system. In this blog we’ll look at the differences between aeroponics and other growing methods and explore some of the fantastic aeroponic systems we offer here at Hydrocentre Hydroponics. 

What is Aeroponics

Aeroponics is a type of Hydroponic system where a nutrient solution is sprayed directly onto the root system. Unlike Hydroponics or Aquaponics, Aeroponics does not require a growth medium, instead, the roots of aeroponically grown plants are fed using a nutrient-rich mist. Generally, plants get a very quick start and often a cutting of a plant will root directly into the aeroponic system.

What can you grow using an Aeroponic system?
Aeroponic systems can be used to grow a wide variety of plants both commercially and privately. Whether you want to propagate your own herb garden or kitchen garden or undertake a commercial aeroponic farming enterprise there are lots of crops which can be successfully grown using aeroponic systems. 

Salad greens and vegetables — leafy greens like lettuces, kale, spinach, cabbage, pea shoots and cress are commonly grown using aeroponic systems. 
Herbs — aeroponic systems make great herb gardens with basil, rosemary, thyme, mint, parsley oregano, coriander and dill all thriving in aeroponic growing conditions. 
Microgreens — microgreens, or vegetable greens that are in their pre-baby form, are increasingly popular as a nutritious food source as when they’re in this young stage microgreens have the most nutritional value for humans, and the best part is microgreens only need around 3-5 days of growth after germination. 
Fruit — Strawberries, melons, blueberries and other fruits can be grown successfully using aeroponics. 
Vegetables — Capsicum, beans, peas, radishes, leeks and even potatoes and pumpkins can be grown aeroponically. Potatoes like a lot of oxygen so are in fact well suited to aquaponic growing, however, they do develop long root systems which will need to be accommodated by your aeroponic setup. 

Aeroponics crate systems

Crate systems (shown above) are 65 x 45cm and can hold up to 6 plants in Aeroponic Baskets. The nutrient solution is sprayed onto the root system below the lid. Price of the single crate with a tank, pump, timer, filter, and irrigation to the crate. Click here to open catalogue for more pricing details - approx $195 at time of writing. A second or third crate can be added to the original crate approx $90 per crate.

Aeroponic Propagators

Aeroponic propagators are a highly effective method of cloning new plants. 

Aeroponics revolutionised the way we clone plant cuttings, making plants that were previously notoriously hard or even impossible to propagate easier to clone. For instance, plants that were prone to bacterial infections in cuttings such as cacti or hardwoods could now be propagated using stem cuttings through aeroponics. 

The key to the success of aeroponic propagation is the way it forms an extremely aerated root environment which encourages the healthy development of root hair, plus with the delivery of high levels of nutrients through the aeroponic water solution, the roots were able to develop faster and stronger. The lack of any rooting media (typically used in hydroponics) also minimises the chance of the plants contracting any root diseases. 


Aeroponic propagators (such as the Seahawk Clone station, pictured above) are fast producers of roots and do not require the use of rockwool cubes every time. Insert the cutting into the multi-coloured Neoprene Collars, add some Clone FX seedling nutrient to the reservoir and turn on the sprinklers. Usually, roots will occur within 2-4 days, and planting out can be done by as soon as 5-10 days. Often the cutting starts growing in the propagator as the roots grow that fast! Pricing is at a low $110* for the full Clone Station system and $150* for the Clone Station Package featuring everything you need to get started including cloning gel, scalpel and more! 

(*at time of writing)

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