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Kitchen Hydroponic Garden

Growing in the kitchen is fun and easy with Hydrocentre.

We have kits and grow lights attached to hydroponic kits.

You can even use our LED lighting and have your kitchen installed and put them in dedicated cabinets for growing.

Question: How Much light do I need to grow herbs and plants in my kitchen?

Answer: Smaller grow light LEDs from 10 to 100Watts will need to be in a room that isn't dark. If you think you can read a book without turning on the light, then the smaller LEDs will work for you by adding more light. Try using them for 12 to 18 hours a day and you should get a great result. If there isn't any real light where you want to grow, you will need to talk to a grow light expert about how much light for the area. A 150Watt Grow LED by Hydro LED will grow up to 80cm x 80cm without any further lighting. Some ventilation may be required as plants still need air.

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