Such an easy method for Hydroponics. It comes as two 20litre fabric pots, two saucers, Coco Fibre without nutrients. You can use this kit as an add on for the same kit that includes nutrients or use this kit and add another type of nutrient.
How do I set up in Hydroponic Coco Fibre?
The Coco fibre is in a block. The blocks are in bags, Fill the bags with warm water and the fibre expands. Use this to fill the Fabric pots. Fabric pots allow more air in the sides for a healthier root system and will be faster than plastic pots. The performance nutrient is designed for Coco.
How do I get started in Hydroponic Coco Fibre?
You can plant your seeds, cuttings or transplant plants from the soil directly into the coco. (if transplanting from soil wash as much soil off as you can)
How do I grow in Hydroponic Coco Fibre?
- To run this hydroponic system, you make up the nutrients in a watering can or large jug or tank. You then water the coco until moist with the nutrient. Save any unused nutrients for the next watering. You can make up a few weeks worth if it saves you time.
- You water again when the media starts getting dry. The best test is the weight of the pot.
- If you hold the fabric pot by its handle and just pull upwards until you sense if it is heavy (still wet) or light (needs watering).
- Being too wet or too dry may slow the plant, so keeping the coco media moist will give you the ideal balance of Water and Air needed for plants roots to thrive.
- Use at half strength on young seedlings until they have 2 sets of leaves or have started growing faster and stretching.
- Use at half-strength nutrient on plants that have just been transplanted for first 1-2 water,
- If you are going to be away, then filling the saucer with nutrients will give you additional days of watering as the coco will suck up the nutrient from the saucer. It may be a little wetter than normal, so for best performance use this only as needed.
The performance coco nutrient we suggest is designed for Coco. It self adjusts its pH and it does not need additives like CAL-MAG. You can optionally add DRIVE to boost growth and PERFORMANCE BOOST for accelerated flowering.
This kit is specially designed to be shipped, and can also be picked up in-store.