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Roots - Drive

Drive is a powerhouse nutrient additive designed to “Drive” the plants to their full potential.

Drive has been designed by one of Australia’s top minds in organic horticulture.
Drive contains many key factors for plant performance.

Drive is made from all organic elements such as Kelp and several groups of bespoke microflora.
It is designed to help rooting, flowering, branching and general nutrition performance in several areas:-

  • Drive stimulates the root system to grow better
  • Drive protects the roots from fungal and bacterial organisms
  • Drive helps break down dead organic root matter for reuse as a fertiliser and removing the source of most disease. This will replace enzyme products. Drive makes room for healthy roots.
  • Drive’s organisms attach to organic nutrients and minerals and helps transport them into and around the plant faster – to help get plant food where it is needed faster in growing and flowering stages of growth.
  • Drive creates a mycorrhizae fungal lattice through media to transport nutrients across the media faster.
  • Drive provides micro and nano elements missing from nutrient solutions to unlock hidden potential – like stress relief, pest resistance and more.
  • The kelp in Drive also contributes towards general health of the plants

Use Drive at all stages of growth to keep the plant performance high and ensure ongoing health.


  • Aggressive 10ml per litre first then 5ml thereafter
  • Normal 5ml per litre then 2ml thereafter
  • Economy 10ml per litre single dose then 1ml per litre occasionally

General: Initially use a higher dose for the first week around roots with normal nutrient program.  This is to cover all roots and media with Microflora.  Use at lower dose to top up the micro flora thereafter for root support and nutrient transport.

Foliar booster spray at 2ml / litre for increased plant/flower development. Drive offers root protection, however, if other organisms have colonised the root system earlier, rot may still occur.  If a root rot occurs, stop using Drive, and use Hydroshield every 2 days for a week, then return to using Drive. Hydroshield will reduce numbers of any organisms in the media, so use Drive at 10ml per litre for 1 week after “Hydroshielding” the roots. Avoid using Drive at the same time as Hydroshield or any root sanitiser.

 Use By: Shake before use. Best to use within 6 months of opening. To extend life refrigerate from opening to slow micro-organism growth.
This product will get stronger in the bottle. If a bad smell is detected, this means the product has just passed its peak in strength and will begin to decline. Do not discard because of the smell. It has not gone bad. The organisms have consumed all the food and started to consume the sulphur in the kelp causing a smell release. By about 3 months of smell the product will have declined significantly in strength. Temperature will have a large factor in the growth and decline of the product.

 Available in these sizes

  • 250ml
  • 1 Litre
  • 5 Litre
  • 20 Litre
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