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Commercial / Farm products

Commercial / Farm products

We can supply a range of commercial farming products.

Products and pricing in this category are FARMERS only; i.e. available to ABN holders who are actively growing produce in some form.


  • Under our commercial programs - farmers are supplied a licenced nutrient formulation and through a program of test sampling with our chemist/agronomist, the formula will evolve into an exact formulation for the grower.
  • These growers assemble their ingredients on-site and receive quotations for ingredients to suit their needs.
  • Please let us know your requirements and we can provide more information.
  • view formulations that are ready to use here


  • We supply a range of commercial additives some crop-specific and some general. We are adding these to this part of our website

Other products

We stock some products and refer growers to manufacturers for other products. We plan to add these items to this section of the website when we can. These can include

  • Channels
  • trays
  • ozone
  • sanitants
  • computer dosing and farm automation
  • Agronomist advice



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