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Light Control Unit Ballast Box

Ballasts or Control Boxes provide the starting current and the power to suit the lamps specifications

Typical ballasts include

  • High Pressure Sodium or HPS
    • typically suits lamps in 250, 400, 600, 750, 1000W
  • Metal Halide or MH
    • typically 400, 600 and 1000W
  • Ceramic Metal Halide or CMH (not the same as a MH)
    • typlically 315, 355, 630, 500, 945 and 1000W

To make a light kit, you would need

  • Ballast
  • Lamp
  • Reflector with lampholder
  • timer
  • Chain or hangers

As always - we are most happy to help with helping you identify size of light to suit room and tie that into the correct amount of ventilation. We can also advise on tents or other reflective materials, growing systems from a handwatered pot to an automatic high performance system, as well as how to propagate cuttings/clones/seeds.

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