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Spider Mites

How do I get rid of Spider mites?

  • They are immune to most pesticides
  • there are millions of them in your local garden and lawn
  • Avoid bringing them to your plants by keeping your hands and body clean from other parts of the garden
  • Block ants from going to your plants
  • Eggs are hard to kill
  • We like organic sprays but they aren't very effective
  • WE do recommend Kill a mite
    • Kill a mite will kill eggs as well as adults - 3 day withholding period - used all through the tomato industry - 1 spray is often enough
  • mite rid is a safe bio oil - avoid too much light on any oil based spray or burning can happen - spray before sunset or before last light and don't over spray or over concentrate the spray. Won't kill eggs - keep a regular spray approximately every 7-10 days
  • Eco-oil - as for mite rid
  • stop mite - makes your plant toxic for weeks - great to kill mites that emerge from eggs. Toxic to humans during withholding period. 
  • Isopropyl alcohol (Isopropanol) at 250ml per litre of water will kill most pests on contact, then evaporate. Alcohol dissoves the coating on an insects body which is very effective. Some plants will lose their coating if repetitively sprayed, so check by wiping an unimportant leaf with straight isopopyl to see if it reacts badly. Different plants respond differently. Some will have no adverse reaction.
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