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Water Pumps Aquaponics

Choosing a water pump is fairly easy.

  1. How high do you need to pump - think of the position of the pump at the bottom of the tank, and where the highest point will be
  2. How much do you need to pump - consider how many drippers/outlets you are pumping to and if you want a lot or just a bit of water at each outlet
  3. If its 1 meter - choose a pump with a larger head. Whatever the output is - say 2000 litres per hour LPH - if it has a head height of 2 meters then it is unable to reach higher than 2 meters - and at 1 meter it would be around 25-35% of its 2000 LPH rating. 
  4. As a guide for pot systems with a single outlet per pot we would use an Aqua one 102 pump for a 1-2 pot system - a 103 pump for a 2-6 pot system - a 104 pot for a 4-10 pot system - a 105 pump for 8-20 outlets... and if you are having multiple outlets you need to go up 1 or 2 sizes in pump.
  5. As a guide for Flood and Drain - twice the head height of the tray you are pumping to
  6. For Aeroponics as a guide - a 103 pump would do 2-4 sprinklers - a 104 4 to 8 sprinklers - a 105 would do 6-12 sprinklers
  7. In any case - call us on 0755274155 or email us to get a recommendation. We still get a kick out of designing systems and love hearing your ideas and seeing if we can be part of them.
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